We salute ETA2U's initiative to organize " IT Congress" and bring together top players in the IT&C Industry every year. It is a great opportunity to present our techologies to different audiences and a good chance to exchange ideas and identify new opportunities with our business partners from Western Romania.
Many of the over 100 trials for Windows Intune subscriptions were due to the awareness we had at IT Congress. Also, I think that in my over eight and a half years at Microsoft I haven't seen an event of this size and complexity organized by a Romanian IT Company. All my congratulations go to the excellent team at ETA2U who made this event possible.
IT Congress a fost un eveniment deosebit, dinamic, in care am intalnit clienti interesati de ceea ce este nou, de modul in care IT-ul devine parte integranta a fiecarei afaceri. Am discutat subiecte diverse, de la conectarea lucrurilor, proceselor si oamenilor, la centre de date moderne, pana la solutii de securitate pentru lumea care se creeaza acum. Un astfel de eveniment reprezinta momentul ideal pentru a intelege modul in care tehnologia schimba mediul in care ne desfasuram activitatea si de a gasi solutii la provocarile actuale.
A successful event. I am so glad to be able to participate every year in the IT Congress and witness the most recent trends in the IT&C industry.
For us IT Congress is the most important event in this part of the country that succeeds in bringing a very large number of IT specialists. We have had a partnership with ETA2U for more than 10 years, this year Cisco has the most extensive presence at the event.
It is certainly the largest IT&C multi-brand event in Romania, focused on the business-to-business side. Every single year new IT solutions with live demos are presented. I would like to thank the ETA2U team, I was impressed with how much they were involved to ensure the success of the event.
This year the attendees of the IT Congress actively participated in presentations, being interested in the new IT&C trends and technologies. Up to this year they only attended the presentations, they were not actively involved. However, the questions have gradually become ever more elevated and people started to think in business terms.
It was the first time for me to participate in an IT Congress and as far as my experience goes I can say that it was all exceptionally well organized. Hats off to the ETA2U Team!
IT Congress gives you a chance to discover opportunities that are undoubtedly worth being exploited. This event organized by ETA2U brings back to the foreground top players on the global IT market.
All my congratulations go to the excellent team at ETA2U!
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Eveniment major în domeniul tehnologiilor IT în România, desfășurat în perioada 13-14 mai, la Expovest, Timișoara. Vă garantăm acces direct la experți IT ai brand-urilor internaționale.
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Reperele Ediției 2014
- Peste 1000 de participanți;
- 60 sesiuni de prezentări și workshop-uri;
- 17 parteneri (brand-uri internaționale);
- Peste 100 de experți ETA2U și partenerii săi.
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IT CONGRESS 2015 include:
- Prezentări menite să vă facă cunoscute cele mai noi soluții IT;
- Întâlniri hands-on în cadrul a numeroase focus group-uri cuprinzătoare;
- Demo-uri live pe tehnologii separate sau integrate.
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IT Congress is a well-organized event: in a friendly climate every single participant has a chance to meet leading players of modern IT technologies either at the booth or attend speaking slot at their choice.